
Software Chapter Art Node--Portrait Photography

Software Chapter Art Node--Portrait Photography - 生活LOFT - 生活LOFT / Life LOFT


【Feature term】
     Image both characters and the story about the characters.
     Portrait photographers in shooting shape characteristics of the characters, but also captured the character's personality traits.
【Classification terminology】
1. official portrait
2 body portrait
3 informal portrait
4 casual portrait
5 Alternative Portraits
【Term Shooting tips】
[Camera angle]
1 slightly higher angle, you can make people a little plump little thin;
2 slightly lower angle, you can make a little delicate little fat people;
3 cheeks over the square side should point shooting;
4 double zygomatic excessive Yi Ching point shooting;
5 nose should not be too high side beat;
6 flat facial structure should forehand.
[Integration factor]
     To be able to fully reflect the character portraits, but also pay attention to the character of the close-up, close-up, medium shot, panorama shot and film scenes in scheduling, as well as the plot of the film materials organically combine the atmosphere, tone, spatial position , scenic environments and characters of the lens together.
Need to consider the following points
1 Taking portrait photos first thing to do is to carefully understand your subject.
2 shot cameras and lenses
3 angle shot


【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by The Network】


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