
Software Chapter Tips Node--Composition 2

Software Chapter Tips Node--Composition 2 - 生活LOFT - 生活LOFT / Life LOFT


【The term three key issues environment】
     In many of the photographic works of art, we often see some objects are an integral part of the environment of the body, the plot plays a role in contrast to enhance the expressive theme from the screen. Components of the environment as an object is in front of the main body, we call prospects; is behind the subject, we call background.
1, [prospects]
     Prospects in front of the body, close to the camera position, they feature was like a big, dark shades, mostly in painted all around the edge, the use of foreground objects are usually trees, flowers, people and things can be. Accompany the body also can be both prospects.

A, using some of the rich features seasonal and local flowers and trees do prospects, rendering season atmosphere and local color, so that the screen has a rich flavor of life.
     Cross-stitch with spring, winter jasmine account for both seasonal outlook, but also so that the screen is full of spring; daisy, leaves do prospects, Autumn filled the screen; Gui with ice, snow sticks for prospects, the North as winter scene in front of its territory in person . Shooting Hainan scenery, with coconut trees, banana for prospects, full of exotic tropical; bamboo, Cotton Tree, with Southern local flavor.
     These themes are often the prospect of a strong contrast.
B, the prospects for strengthening the sense of space and sense of perspective picture.
     Structural picture of the lens close to some person or thing intentionally, it was like using a large, deep tone characteristics, and the distant scenery in sharp contrast to body size and tonal shades of contrast, to mobilize people to feel the visual space of the screen distance, the visual effect is like with the depth axis of the screen, people no longer feel the plane.

Some experienced photographer when shooting scenes content display space, the total strive to find the right prospects to emphasize near the far smaller sense of perspective, and often use similar outlook and vision in the scene, like people, trees, mountains and so on.
     Due to the different distance, the area occupied by the difference in the picture is larger, the laws of mobilizing people's visual imagination of space, the stronger, the more distinctive feel the depth axis.
C, highlight the picture content summary of force
     In the performance of some of the content-rich, complicated things when intends to show the things you want most characteristic part is placed in the foreground position, is an important means of strengthening the outstanding picture content
D, the use of foreground and background scenery for comparison content on to complete contrast to common practice the art of photography

E, prospects give people a sense of a subjective position
     Strengthen the sense of the status of the picture, such as doors, windows, buildings and other distinctive features of the landscape and foreground, so that in the picture has a large position to influence the psychological to the audience, potentially with the picture of the audience will be shortened distance between produce an immersive intimacy. This increase artistic appeal of the screen is very beneficial. Give the audience a sense of status, in other literary works of art are very important to fascinating, first introduced entry.
F, promising to increase the use of painting decorative beauty concept
     Some have rules, objects are arranged, and some objects with pattern shape, used for prospects to make the picture like a beautifully decorated picture frame or lace, like increasing the beauty, the picture looked lively, jumping

G, prospects for a balanced picture of the role of
     Sometimes we find that the vacancy is not balanced on the screen, such as when monotonous when cloudless sky, with drooping branches placed above the screen to make up for deficiencies in place; sometimes hid the bottom of the screen, top-heavy when available rocks , railings do prospects, deep tones make the picture suppress ground, stable, balanced role.
H, prospects for the use of virtual focus of expression, to give people a vague sense of beauty.
In recent years, many of the photographic works of art, many people in the foreground of use, often using virtual focus, messy scene to make prospects, virtual and chaos, the audience not only accept, but also feel interesting, which is due to people aesthetic art of photography is changing and developing, growing trend of natural, real, requiring the atmosphere.
     The prospect of virtual and chaos can emphasize the atmosphere and the prospects of this imaginary also helps to highlight the theme of the real to the imaginary lining reality. The prospect of chaos is the fight quotes.
     In fact, there is chaos rule, the shape of chaos, but the main highlight is without prejudice to the principle of chaos that even if the body were covered, I am afraid it is difficult to accept the audience, you are not satisfied, so it's principle is: "in realistic virtual chaos in seeking treatment. "

     Above that is the role of eight prospects. In fact, the prospect of using often play several roles at the same time one of the best shot a few eagles. Overall, the significance of the use of foreground images rich vocabulary and increase literary talent of the screen. But remember, the outlook is not abused, when dispensable, would rather not, in order to clean the screen; addition, shapes, lines, promising to be as beautiful structure, in close contact with the body and echoes, combined into a whole, to help express the theme thought.
2, [background]
     Background behind the main means used to set off the main scene, in order to emphasize what the subject is in the environment, highlighting the main background image and rich connotation body plays an important role.
All artists are concerned about the role of modeling background, sculpture, painting, architecture and other arts have attached great importance to the subject of the background contrast.
     Similarly understand photographic artist, background on the success of a photography plays a key trend.

Tend to have this situation: shooting a work, subject, to accompany the body, the look, the attitude is very ideal, but because of bad background processing failed.
     Background photography picture selection, should pay attention to three aspects: a grasp; Second Jane; ratio of three
     First, grasp characteristics; Second concise; third is to have color contrast.
A, grasping feature
     First of all to grab some rich local characteristics, characteristics of the times as the background scenery, clear account of the timing of events, locations and time atmosphere to enhance the audience's understanding of the themes, which have characteristics of the times crawling scene, so that people understanding of the historical background.
     As a locomotive with smoke or factory chimneys as the background, in the fifties or make people feel booming business, motherland thriving scene, inspire aesthetic feelings of people;
     But today the eighties, such as the background still, it will be said to be contaminated, reflecting dock workers as well.

Shooting portraits also attaches great importance to the selected feature rich environment for the background to set off the character's career and personality traits. (Such as the girl can not be used as the background red flower), which is called environmental portraits.
     Environment figures contrast, there are positive backdrop background lining, contrasting points, such as the well-being of children with flowers blooming garden backdrop for the environment, is being lined;
     Such as hunger, poverty on children in the fast-paced world of bustling streets, is contrasting.
B, concise
     It has been said so, "different means of artistic expression of painting and photography, and that is the addition of painting with photography using a subtraction," because painting reflect life on the screen is always to add something, but photography is always reflect life do everything possible to subtract those unnecessary things. Which is important to prevent the background of the main highlight dispensable subtracted something to achieve simple and refined picture.
To distinguish them from the many photographs, found many experienced photographers are fully mobilized to achieve a variety of photographic techniques concise background.

Some with Yang angle to avoid the clutter of the scene on the horizon, the main object in the sky off cleanly;
     Some with bow angle to the road, water, grass for background, so that the main outline clear, concise obtain background;
     Some use backlighting, the background clutter lines hidden in the shadows;
     Some hide in the background with a mist of white haze; some with long focal length lens narrow background scenery excluded from the screen;
     Some use virtual focus soften background lines. These methods can achieve the desired result succinct background.
Contrast C, tone on
     In color photography have color contrast, so the body has a three-dimensional, spatial sense and clear contour lines, strengthen efforts visual.
Contour shape processing rules:
     Lining the main dark bright background;
     Lining the main bright dark background;
     Bright or dark gray body lining on neutral background;

The main light, background light, middle have dark contours;
     Body dark dark background, the intermediate contour line must be bright.
     Because photography is flat plastic arts, and if there is no comparison interval, the main image or tone on tone and context necessary to dissolve into one, the loss of the possibility of being visually identified, so it was the King tone contrast color screen, compared to means of delivery, with it, the screen image will be sent to the front of the audience projections.
Processing background screen photography is an important part of the structure, carefully select only in the shooting, in order to make an accurate picture content refined, so that the visual image of the perfect performance.
【The term four key questions blank specimens】
     In addition to the entity object photographed screen visible, there are some blank portion which is composed of the background of a single color, a gap is formed between the solid object.

Background color can be single sky, water, grassland, land or other features, due to the use of various photographic means reasons, they have lost the original physical image, and in the colors on the screen to form a single entity to set off other objects.
Blank although not object entity, but also on the screen is an indispensable part of it is the contact between the various objects on the screen to communicate, organize the relationship between them bond.
     Role blank on the screen, as the role of punctuation in the article as tricks to make the picture clear, Duanluofenming, Qimai smooth, but also help authors express emotions.
     The following detailed analysis about the process and the role played by a blank part of the screen:
1, leave some gaps on the screen to highlight the needs of the body
   To make the main eye-catching, with a visual impact, it is necessary to leave some gaps around, such as making the characters are always avoid the head, body and trees, houses, street lamps and other objects overlap, but will arrange a single character blank background colors are formed around the subject matter leave some gaps, can be said to be a law of the plastic arts.

Because people need to appreciate is that the object space, a beautiful work of art, if it is placed into a pile of clutter objects, it is difficult to appreciate its beauty, only to leave some space around it , fine art will release its artistic light.
2, a blank screen helps to create the mood of the screen
  If a picture is stuffed full of solid objects, with no gaps, will give a feeling of oppression, have the right to stay on a blank screen, will make the vision has room for maneuver, ideas have changed the possible.
     People often say: "Painting stay-thirds empty, angry along with hair." Remain blank when made??, will make the picture lively, ethereal handsome. The space is often filled with the author's feelings, thoughts of the audience, the realm of the works can be sublimated.
It is always a real extension of the blank screen at not exist in isolation. The so-called empty place is not empty, it is a real place against the background of the space and each other, before the formation of different associations and atmosphere.
Echoes the relationship between the various objects Condition 3, a blank screen or organization
Different spatial arrangements, to reflect the different echoes relationship.
     The so-called echo, always from a certain distance between the two objects formed, such as the two on objects close together, it does not matter echoes.

All objects due to different beginning, the use of different, different lines stretching direction, different light exposure so the situation will show a certain direction, there is support or oppose the relationship, to carefully observe the directionality of the object, and reasonable arrangements blank distance to organize their mutual relationship echoes.
4, movement blank specimens and objects related
The general rule is: the object is moving, such as traveling people, Mercedes-Benz cars and other objects, to leave some empty space in front, so as to enable the movement of objects there is room for stretching, the audience heart also feel smooth, deepen feel the movement of objects, people's attention is also desirable that people appreciate having a psychological requirements.
     In short, we should be good flexibility, with the original use of the blank.
5, blank and occupied an area the size of the physical screen, but also to meet a certain ratio between
  To prevent an area equal, symmetrical, in general, the total area of ??the space of the screen is larger than the area occupied by the entity object, the picture only looked ethereal, delicate and pretty.
     If the entity object is larger than the total area occupied by the space, the picture focuses on realism, but both on the screen if the total area equal to, the impression becomes dull mediocrity, which is a form of feeling.

Chinese ancient painting discourse: "sparse be cursory, airtight." That walk on the extreme point density layout, to strengthen certain feelings of the audience, to create their own style.
     The proportion of homes and leaving blank the space at the real change is indeed an important means of creative screen layout.
【The term five key issues balanced picture】
     In real life, all objects have a balanced and stable forms: a table with four legs are strong, if three legs then it must form a balanced tripod full potential until firm; build a house if the big little below the top, it gives a kind of shaky feeling; Tiaodan child a heavy one light, people walking difficulties; work in people's attitude is clearly determined to meet the labor body balanced attitude ...... features.
     Many people living culture phenomenon requires a balanced mental, and play a role in people's aesthetic process.
Under normal circumstances a picture should be balanced, stable, people feel stable, harmonious and complete. It requires a balanced use of psychological factors that can come from several aspects emphasized expressive picture:

1, emphasizes a dignified, solemn atmosphere, require a balanced picture of a smooth, even intentionally taken symmetric equilibrium, a quaint solemn relations from a symmetric equilibrium cautiously shows.
2, in some emphasis on elegant, quiet, lovely lyrical scenery picture and lively characters, plot screen, the required changes can have on the balance of the screen there are dense sparse, there is virtual, but the overall requirement is balanced the.
3, also can be balanced using the other hand. That intentionally violate the law of equilibrium, so that people do not balanced picture caused some unrest sense, like being an external shock like. Uneven declension use the form to express the profound themes.


【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by The Network】


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